Then there's an orc who will track you down to sing to you. Take Tim's encounters with Mozû the Blight, for example, where the large orc who looks like he's had cheese melted onto his face began bullying him. Conquering Nemesis fortresses with your army of orcs gives the sequel a sense of scale the first didn't really have, and the improved Nemesis system means even more meaningful encounters with the cockney warriors of Middle-earth. Shadow of War isn't a total slam dunk, thanks to more open world busywork than its predecessor, but it also builds on the first game in some decent ways. Samuel Roberts The Lord of the Rings Online

Find a way to play Battle for Middle-Earth II, though, and there's still a community hosting multiplayer servers, which now also support the game's expansion, The Rise of the Witch King. The only issue now, of course, is getting hold of a boxed copy, since EA's licence lapsed and that means no one can sell it digitally. You could even create your own heroes for skirmishes, and new content for the game is supported by an active modding community. It was certainly better than The War of the Ring, a non-starter 2003 effort from Vivendi based on the books rather than Peter Jackson's movies. With good and evil campaign paths, a gorgeous (for the time) version of Middle-Earth with extravagantly realised locations and well-animated units, this is probably as good as a LOTR RTS will ever get. A familiar-feeling but well-produced RTS that improved on the first game, particularly with the CPU AI, this was a decent large-scale translation of The Lord of the Rings.