Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data You are supporting writers and allowing Penguin to continue to publish books for every reader. Thank you for buying an authorized edition of this book and for complying with copyright laws by not reproducing, scanning, or distributing any part of it in any form without permission. Copyright fuels creativity, encourages diverse voices, promotes free speech, and creates a vibrant culture. This was part of the vintage production process and was never intended for sale.Penguin supports copyright. This example is on thick, Kodak photo paper and remains in excellent condition. This was created at Hasbro during the vintage line and was used for potential packaging ideas for this vehicle. Included is an original, vintage color photo of conceptual packaging artwork for this vehicle. It has never been offered for sale before and is being offered here for the first time.

This item was previously owned by a collection closely associated with Hasbro. I’m not sure what the final price was but it raises an interesting question of how much one would be willing to pay for just a photo of original art, especially if it will most likely disappear into someone’s private collection. Here’s my lame attempt to straighten the edges out a little. It’s a shame the seller didn’t take a straight shot of the picture so all we have is this angled look but hey, better than nothing! It may have been created by Richard Marcej for the in-house illustrators to work off of. After seeing those other rough layouts, I realized this wasn’t a new design, it was just a mock-up for the box art. He lacks the deep purple armor for his arms and legs, but he is similar to the silver design of Lieutenant Ratt found here. The colors are different too, especially with Dregs. In this art, they have a relaxed, arrogant pose while the final art is more dynamic and action-oriented. Notice too that Commodore Dregs and his crew in the lower right corner changed too.

There’s also no indication of that strange silver or glass road all the vehicles drive on. And the guns were very different, looking like bigger blasters. The cockpit was clear glass like the Hawkwind, unlike the armored version the final Dragonwind has. The nose was much more snubbed and rounded. Initially, I thought it was a different design for the vehicle that had been scrapped. The original appears to be a painting although it could be colored pencils with some paint highlights too. Like an earlier post ( found here), I came across a photo of some preproduction box art for the Dragonwind that was sold on ebay back in April, 2014.